Friday, July 17, 2009

Baby Days Over?

We have to grow up if we want to or not. my problem is I don't think i'm ready yet I found myself wishing I was a baby. I did get warned about life and that is is not easy, but can it give me a little break. Watching my brother Taren made me feel kind of weird to think sooner than I know it another baby will be here. My sisters baby (oldest) can't believe suddenly can't wait. I was talking to her and she realized that she might not be grown up enough to handle her baby, which makes her a little scared.I just told her that we grow up as we go along but when we don't have enough time well then we have to grow up whether we like it or not. I'm in the process of looking for Colleges and thats a touchy subject. I can't believe soon I will be in the period of actually looking for my own.if anybody knows any good colleges you can recomend I'm all open .


Zipporah said...

Growing up is a state of mind. Never be worried about it. If you feel young, you are young. Congrats on the new baby! And as far as college is concerned: know what you want to do in life, find colleges that offer a good program for it, visit them and find out which one you like best. Good luck on your search!

Black is beauty !! said...

Thank you that really helped sounds like each time we talk you get wiser the advice